Atal Pension Yojana (APY) Statement using eSOT and ePRAN
Around 45 lakh subscribers will benefit from a new card plan established for Atal Pension Yojana use. The online statement of transaction or e-SOT and e-PRAN cards has been properly launched. These are available for use at and at The program has been updated with this feature to help improve upon how people are able to benefit from various functions.
Process to Check APY Statement
- Click on the image below
- Fill all the information required.
- If you know your pran select first option.
- If you dont know your pran select the second option.
What This Does
A person who qualifies for this will have access to a variety of functions. An APY or PRAN account must be provided with savings bank account information to get access to this. After offering the proper information, the following points can be listed:
- Information on one’s APY account statement will be included. This makes it easier for data on one’s savings and pension plan points to be reviewed in real time as necessary.
- Details on nominees, when pension payments go into effect and so forth will be listed through the card. This offers enough information on what a person has as needed.
- Details on bank information can also be listed. This includes information on the bank that is handling the money and whom one can contact for added support to get more banking functions handled as needed.
- Members can print out their cards so they can have physical versions if needed. They can also go to their local offices to get these cards laminated if needed. Subscriber information can also be updated although the terms for doing so will vary based on what a person needs out of it.
Who Supports It
This new plan is being supported by an extensive team. It will be implemented through the support of 235 APY service providers plus 27 public sector banks and 19 private banks. There will be many other co-ops and rural banks that will help with the Department of Posts offering help for getting the program up and running as needed.
Part of a Larger Scheme
The new e-SOT and e-PRAN setup will work through the Atal Pension Yojana that had been introduced two years earlier. With this, a pensioner who is part of the scheme will get a minimum pension of Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 per month from 60 years of age onward depending on the contributions one has put in. The totals will be guaranteed for all people who are a part of the scheme.
The pension will also be paid to the spouse of a member in the event that the member passes on. A spouse can also continue to contribute until the age of 60 in the event that the person who has the account also passes on. This is to ensure that there are no concerns over how the pension works.
Tax benefits will be included at the entry and payment phases. Add returns that come about may be passed on to the subscriber. This ensures that a person will have an easier time with taking in funs without being too complicated. People will have to take a look at how well the expenses are handled as required.
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